Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Listen while you read:  Boo!

Here comes that shit again
I got a Halloweenhead
Head full of tricks and treats
It leads me through the nighttime streets
Black cats and fallen trees
Under ladders, always walking
Salt shaker spills, just throw it over your shoulder, babe

I got a bad idea again
I got a Halloweenhead

Head full of candy bags
Costume shops and punks in drag
Head full of tricks and treats
Places where junkies meet
And it leads me through the streets at night
That's all right, I just watch, I don't go inside
It's the same old shit again

I got a Halloweenhead . . . 

Lord, I got a Halloweenhead
What the fuck's wrong with me?
God, I'm a Halloweenhead

~  Ryan Adams

What the fuck's wrong with me? asks Ryan Adams. Well, aside from the fact that you're arrogant and bitchy and difficult, absolutely nothing. Hey, I can put up with Adams' social leprosy, as long as he continues to put forth some of the best music of the times. I have yet to see him in concert, although it has been on my bucket list for a long time to do so. I am prepared for him to be unpleasant, but I know his music will be great. "Halloweenhead" certainly is not one of Adams' better songs, but it's kind of funny. It's on 2007's Easy Tiger by Ryan Adams & The Cardinals.

While I'm fairly certain I loved Halloween as a kid, it's not a favorite for me these days. (Well, hell, I don't really like any holidays . . . except maybe St. Patrick's Day, when beer is celebrated.) When my kids were little, our street was full of kids, so Trick or Treat was doable. And then they all grew up, and I didn't have Trick or Treaters for years. As of this writing, I am on the third floor of a condo, so I am not expecting my doorbell to ring. (I don't even have a doorbell.) This is all fine with me.

Whether Ryan Adams is always in a Halloweenhead or if he reserves that condition for the last day of October, I'm not sure. By tonight, there will likely be millions of children suffering from Halloweenhead, filled up with sugar and chocolate and marshmallow pumpkins. Shout out to all the teachers who will suffer through the day tomorrow! I suspect that their Halloweenhead tomorrow night will have more to do with alcohol than candy.

As for the rest of you, just watch . . . don't go inside.

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