Thursday, June 29, 2017

You Never Know

Listen while you read: Nothing to see except the album cover

Come on, children
You're acting like children
Every generation thinks
It's the end of the world

And all ya fat followers
Get fit fast
Every generation thinks it's the last
Thinks it's the end of the world

It's a dream down a well
There's a lone, heavy hell
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
It's a fear to transcend
If we're here at the end
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
You never know

Come on, kids
You're acting like children
Act your age
Get back to black metal and pearls
All ya sword swallowers, pull yourselves together
Every generation thinks it's the worst
Thinks it's the end of the world

It's a secret I can't tell
There's a wish down a well
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
It's a long, heavy hell
Synthesizer Patel
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
But you never know
You never know

It's a fear to transcend
If we're here at the end
I don't care anymore . . . 

~  Jeff Tweedy (Wilco)

For many of us, the news gets worse and worse every day. It seems that any one of the news items in reference to this current administration is enough to set one's teeth on edge, but more and more, we are being bombarded with crazy stuff, to the point where it's a wonder we have any teeth left. What shall we be upset about today? Healthcare? The environment? Travel bans? The Wall? Hate crimes? Racism? The proliferation of guns? Or how about "that Rusher Thing"? Well, I'm not sure I can say that I don't care anymore, but it's tempting.

Wilco is one of my favorite bands. (I only have a couple, you know.) Long on my bucket list, I got to see them at the Champlain Valley Exposition Fairgrounds in Vermont a couple of years ago when my son was at UVM. It's a good thing it was an outdoor venue, because the heavy, pounding bass that the band emitted was wreaking havoc with my heart to the point where I was getting a little frightened. I pondered whether my obituary would state that my heart gave out at a Wilco concert. Maybe I was just too close to the stage? Anyway, "You Never Know" is on Wilco's seventh studio album called Wilco (The Album), released in 2009. It has been compared to George Harrison's solo work in the 70s, and if you listen to this song with that in mind, you'll probably hear the resemblance.

Synthesizer Patel? Had to look that one up! Apparently it's a character in a British TV comedy? (I don't get it.)

I do sometimes think it's the end of the world. I try to remind myself that this world has always known unrest and violence and poverty, but I'd naively thought that we were making progress to a more peaceful and sustainable planet. But now it seems that all the good is being erased by executive order and an agenda ruled by the almighty dollar.

For at least the next couple of weeks, I've decided not to care. If it is the end of the world, let me go out having seen as much of it as I can, while I can. Interesting, half of my road trip will be in Canada. Hmmmm. Maybe I'll check out some real estate?

You never know.

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